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Dead on the Delta

Dead on the Delta - Stacey Jay This is the third book by Stacey Jay that I've read. The first one--YA Fiction--You Are So Undead to Me, was a fun and entertaining read. It was so enjoyable I was glad that I took a chance on an author I'd never heard of before. The second--also YA Fiction--[b:Juliet Immortal|9972882|Juliet Immortal|Stacey Jay|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51qufa%2BAjCL._SL75_.jpg|13479602], was decidedly not so entertaining. Or fun. Or imaginative. Or worthwhile. Heck, I'm almost done reading it but I just can't muster the strength to finish--I just don't care what happens anymore.

So why did I buy this book which, by the way, was purchased while I was in the middle of forcing myself to slog through the pages of [b:Juliet Immortal|9972882|Juliet Immortal|Stacey Jay|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51qufa%2BAjCL._SL75_.jpg|13479602]? Because it was marked 60% off at Borders, that's why. Also, like I said Stacey Jay's first offering was quite good, so I was willing to give her another chance. I'm so glad I did.

Dead on the Delta is a new UF series--not YA--that isn't horribly original. Meaning there is a Kick-A Protagonist who has some sort of special ability or power. This Kick-A Protagonist? Has--you guessed it--a troubled past, intimacy issues and a drinking problem that goes hand in hand with her tendency to pop pills. Did I mention this story is set in Louisiana? Because it is. Also? This book has killer fairies.

That's right. Killer. Fairies.

So why did I like Dead on the Delta despite the fact that it doesn't seem to have anything new to bring to the table, you ask? The protagonist, a 20-something FCC employee/former debutante/med school dropout by the name of Annabelle Lee, is a loveable, albeit prickly, character that I couldn't help but root for. Also her "special power"--immunity to poisonous fairy saliva--is actually not all that special, though only about 5% of the population is immune. So it's not like she's an all-powerful (read: unbearable) Mary Sue.

Honesty Time! Look, I could give you a pretty good rundown of what this book is all about, but it's going to be a unoriginal variation of what's posted in the book description box, though my description wouldn't include the word 'sexy'(because, for whatever reason, every time the word 'sexy' is used in a book description it makes me cringe; makes the book sound trashy--which, by the way, this book isn't trashy). And anyway, I'm tired--it's been a long day. Maybe I'll take the time to type something up later, but until then just read the description provided by the publisher.

Anyway, if you're looking for a new UF series to pick up I suggest you give Stacey Jay's Dead on the Delta (book #1 in the Annabelle Lee series) a try.

(4 stars because I was genuinely entertained by this book despite the fact that there were a few things that didn't quite work for me. I will be reading the next book in this series).