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Currently reading

A Clash of Kings
George R.R. Martin
Stacey Wallace Benefiel
Ilsa J. Bick
Detroit: An American Autopsy
Charlie LeDuff
Emilie and the Hollow World
Martha Wells
Julianna Baggott
The Crown of Embers
Rae Carson
Rebel Heart
Moira Young
The Future of Us
Jay Asher, Carolyn Mackler
Sara Zarr

The Mermaid Chair

The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd I totally thought I would love this book when I first picked it up. I mean this is the lady that wrote 'The Secret Life of Bees', how could I not love it, ya know?

Yeah, it just didn't do it for me. It totally rubbed me the wrong way. I found it irritating and all that jazz. Most novels about forbidden romance /finding one's self tick me off. Books about middle-aged women, gettin' it on with monks-in-training, tick me off too. So yeah, I am so glad I checked it out from the library and didn't actually buy it.